Thursday, April 12, 2012


Recently, during a confessional session in a Catholic Church a man was adamant to move when it was time to adjust to the next pew. He was spoken to but remained mute and kept his gaze on one direction. Few minutes later after preying eyes pounced on him, a glimpse of a Tasbih ( islam prayer bead) was seen around his neck, his countenance looked fierce and his beards intimidatingly conspicious and full. Immediately, that ignited fear in the church. The following reaction was noticed amongst some youths: few said a sign of the cross and walked out without saying a word, a few left their pews and moved a farther distance probably guessing that his 'bomb' if detonated will not reach their newer pew positions, others went to get the security. When the church security arrived, it was noticed that this individual was insane and had no `bokoish` intentions. Now like the parable of Jesus I ask you, "Whom amongst these ones was the wisest?"

It is stale news that this nation has been plunged into an abysmal depth of insurgencies uncontrolled by a government that most Nigerians perceive as incompetent and corrupt. Seemingly, an unpertubed adjustmet and attitude is potrayed by the youths; therefore no effort to cushion this menace. Perhaps a good definition of the word `youth` must be aired to refresh our minds to what group of people fall into this age group before we proceed. Many Countries draw a line on youth as the age at which a person is given equal treatment under the law - often referred to as the `age of the majority`. This age is 18 in many countries; however, the operational definition and nuance of the term `youth` often vary from country to country depending on the specific socio-cultural, institutional, economic and political factors. Based on this, all young persons of ages: 18-35 who are citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is termed Youth though the United Nation loosely defines youth as any person whose age falls between 18-40 years.

Currently, we are faced with insecurity problems and our mileu has been tagged insecure by foreign countries. Glaringly, we have transitioned from a contemporary art of insecurity with armed robbery, internet frauds which were poorly managed to more sophisticated ones: terrorism, kidnapping and bombblasts which I often refer to `bokaharaism`. This depleted state of insecurity in our country has gone beyond the shores of the Nigerian police alone; it is a responsibility that calls for all backs to bear. True, the basic amenities and responsibilities of government is now a burden on us due to a poor dispersal of the commonwealth of this wealthy nation. Insecurity has always posed a challenge and until recently has taken an apex position amidst the pyramids of problems that surround this country. In all these, what role has the youth played? Maybe i should rephrase, "You, yes you whose age falls between 18-35, what has been your contribution to curbing these cacaphony of uncontrolled security problems?"

We have truly misconstrued who we are up against, for a mentally impaired individual to be tagged an enemy based on his looks, countenace and religion alone is discriminating. I must point out here that because we share a different religion doesn't tag one as an enemy. An individual on a bead other than the catholic rosary is not an enemy. One whose perception on religion contradicts ours is not an enemy either; rather we must ask,'' who is the enemy?'' What characteristic feature must a group or individual possess to blacklist him as enemy? Therefore the brewing hatred toward the muslims which has been noticed and potrayed by some christians is not right. Rather the factors that has hiked these security problems still remain a corrupt government that refuse to provide jobs, wicked political motives, a family that has too many children than they can afford and many more. More recently, these problems are stemed from an instilled fallacy that is inculcated in the mindset of a certain people. We all are factors that indirecly contribute to these problems Therefore what must we do? What must the youths do?

As youths it is our collective effort that can curb this virus, though impossible to nimb by its bud but our reasonable approach can go a long way to curbing the menace. It pains me that many Nigerian youths i've come across irrespective of their congregation and religion pay less attention to the happenings of the polity but are more particular about brazillian hair, musical videos, parties, blackberry phones; boys wearing tight pink and outrageously coloured trousers; girls prefer to display cleavages and wear provocative wears.

The Christmas bombing in Madalla is still fresh to us. Perhaps if it happened in our church, God forbid! What will you tell God if you appeared in heaven holding a blackberry torch, a micro mini skirt, a brazillian hair, a cleavage displaying top; or if you were a guy, you appear in front of the Lord with a purple top, an 'obey' cap and a wallet full of condoms. Are we better than those killed in madalla.

Like the aforestated parable, how will our reaction be. Are you going to run away selfishly without notifying others? Are you going to pray to God for our own personal protection and run away with your tails folded between your legs; or are you going to call the attention of others. We are in the internet age and obviously without a gun we are armed with the internet and as the most populated age group in this country it is our responsibility to convey sensitive and helpful informations via the internet to curb the rising insecurity problems in our own little way. We cannot totally annihilate insecurity but we can try and try we must.

Therefore rise and respond to the unbearable state of insecurity! Our eyes must be sharper i mean `shine your eyes`, any unscrupulous activity should be reported to the appropriate authorities. The internet should be used as a medium to sensitise the public. Yet, we must never forget the power of prayers, the power of the Rosary and that of the Church. The power of the youth is burning. Let us use it wisely, positively and responsibly to curb this menace on our security and our Nation at large or the result of our recalcitrant lackadaisical attitude will be an obvious catastrophy.


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