Religion is really the opium of the masses, over time it has strategically been encrypted in laws, ways of life and governance. It is undoubtedly more expressive than love but is it more powerful? Religion is deeper than imagination, in it lies life yet in its depth lies destruction. Destruction they say is to save religion, these destructions to save religion are holy destructions such as holy wars, jihad, suicide bombings, terror attacks all in attack of the enemy. The enemy is an individual who professes a different faith or another religion. They say these laws are holy and true just like it is written in holy books: bible, koran, etc. What moves humans to be religious, is it a believe for an unknown God, location of birth; do we have proof to show our religion is true and supersede others.
Would you convert to islam at a latter age if you were a christian before. What is the motive, a cogent motive. Is it for wealth, for miracles and magic, for higher knowledge and wisdom, the strictness of one religion or to find the true God. Are we confused.
A few have carved a niche out of frustration more would say, perhaps out of a shallow search; atheism they call it. They, previously were religious but deeper discovery into religion have pushed them into disbelief. They asked questions: who is God, how was earth formed, what is the holy trinity. Maybe got no answers and like a sheep without a master they wander away.
Religion has infiltrated government and has taken control. What is religion and what is its purpose. From the times of Jesus; we see what the scribes and pharisees made of religion. That is what religion is today, for a long time, even before the time of Christ religions purposed has been destroyed. Yet we wallow in it.
Love, an unyielding force; the true reason for the death of Christ 'john 3:16' "for God so love the world ...", that very force is the nature of God. God is love
Love can turn bread to wine, though literary. It can do the impossible, its true manifestation makes religion mere air. A clear example is portrayed in humans by women. Women have showed mankind that love has surpassed religion. They have married men of different faith, beliefs and religion and converted.Critics have said that "it is in the nature of woman to be easily deceived" and further explains with the loss of virginity in females, "this loss by unmarried girls: teenagers, adolescents and youths to boys/men who merely lust after them perfectly illustrates the folly of women who interprete lust for love; they change characters, leave friends, disrespect parents, and can go miles to prove love". That i don't know but an iota of truth lies in them being deceived easily. But is that the reason they embrace any religion of the husbands, or have they discovered a truth.
A truth that religion interwoven in love is better than each as a seperate entity.
When i heard a man of God preach against other churches, religion and their followers, i thought of the perspective of God. 'God what do you think about the preachers statement' i thought. Did God really care about the churches modus operandi, other religion, or is He more concerned about our Love and devotion to him and our the love for our neighbours, which remains the greatest commandment of all.
Love, a character and an expression most of us lack but choose to hide underneath the fabrics of religion. Religion is good, love is better, love is God. God is love.
If i were a muslim or budhist, will i convert. I might not, i'll rather love and not allow religion overwhelm me.
May God give us the grace to love in the best way irrespective of our religion. That is quintessential, perhaps love is the best religion.
N.B: May the souls of all the lives lost in the name of religious violence in the Nigeria especially the northern part, middle-east, asia; may their souls rest in peace. Religion is not the way and has never been; love is the way.
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